Club 100 lottery

Posted by on Feb 8, 2019 in Activities we enjoy/have been up to, Featured, News

Club 100 lottery

Hi all, 

The 100 Club lottery is starting to be rolled out. It is believed that the chances of winning the lottery is 14 million to one, so why waste a pound on such big odds when you have a much much better chance of winning £50 every month by going the WMPS 100 CLUB and helping the preschool in the process! 

For a one off payment of £12 per year you will be issued a number between 1-100 (we will inform you of your number) you will then have the opportunity to win £50 each month! The drawer takes place every last working day of the month and will be selected by a random number generator and posted to Facebook and emailed out. Here is the link to the form: 

If anyone else is interested please let us know, If you could spread the word would be appreciated 😊.

Kind regards 
Woodham Mortimer team
on behalf of Woodham Mortimer Pre-School